CLI API (command line interface)

Copyright (c) Global IP Telecommunications GmbH | Phone +49 6445 279971 0
Vorheriges Thema  Nächstes Thema 

The CLI (command line interface) API lets you execute our softphones from a command line

Call the xproxy.exe in the  installation path (c:/program files/softphone/softphone/xproxy.exe).



xproxy.exe callto:<RemotePhoneNumber>

starts the phone automatically and dials the number

xproxy.exe sip:<RemotePhoneNumber>

starts the phone automatically and dials the number

xproxy.exe sip2:<RemotePhoneNumber>

starts the phone automatically and dials the number

xproxy.exe tel:<RemotePhoneNumber>

starts the phone automatically and dials the number

xproxy.exe hangup:<RemotePhoneNumber>

hangs up the call

Example how to connect with a CRM software like "WISO Kaufmann"