Advanced settings

Copyright (c) Global IP Telecommunications GmbH | Phone +49 6445 279971 0
Vorheriges Thema  Nächstes Thema 




Popup on incoming calls
If checkbox is set to the checked state, the phone will be placed on top of all windows when a call comes in. 


Popup on outgoing calls
The phone pops up with an outgoing call.


Minimize on hangup
If checkbox is set to the checked state, the phone will automatically be placed in the background.


Create local FTMF tones
If activated, DTMF tones are audible. (DTMF stands for Dual-tone multi-frequency signaling). The auible output means not that the signals are send to the remote party. Here No. 5 must be activated too.


When clicking at the buttons 0, 1, .. 9, # and *, DTMF tones will be transmitted to the remote party if thisfunction has been activated by setting the checkbox to the checked state


Launch on boot

Starts the softphone when the operating system boots.


Generate Call Waiting signal
The softphone generates a “call waiting” signal if checkbox is in the checked state. If checkbox is not in checked state, the caller will receive a "busy" signal if you're already communicating with the softclient.


Only numeric characters
The phone dials only numeric number even if alphabetic characters are included.


"David0044123456789" --> the phone dials "0044123456789"


Remember "Auto Answer"
The last state of the „Auto answer“  setting is saved and will be restored on the next launch of the softphone.


Remember "Auto Conference"
The last state of the “Auto conference”  setting is saved and will be restored on the next launch of the softphone.


Remember Don Not Disturb (DND)

The last state of the “Do not disturb”  setting is saved and will be restored on the next launch of the softphone.


Remember Mute
The last state of the “Mute”  setting is saved and will be restored on the next launch of the softphone.


Dot not terminate during a call

While in a telephone conversion the softclient will refuse to terminate execution.


Show alertbox
Displays a popup window on an inbound call with details about the caller. If the softclient does not own input focus, the popup window will not get focus. During an icoming call you can thus continue to write an e-mail or a text in another application program


Ignore SIP-Suffix ('')

Please deactivate this function in case you might receive SIP URIs that include the server name (e.g. for TAPI calls or protocol handlers) or in case you want to make peer-to-peer calls.


Send "Busy" on "Ignore"

Please activate this function in case the caller shall get a busy signal if you press the "Ignore" icon.


Send "Busy" on "DND"

Please activate this function in case you might send a "Busy" signal if you have 'DND' activated.


Dial entered phone number after...

Activate this function if you want that the phone dials the entered phone number automatically if there is no further activity in the display after X seconds.


Diel entered phone number after...

Enter time in seconds when the phone shall start dialing automatically the entered phone number.