Call Monitor

Copyright (c) Global IP Telecommunications GmbH | Phone +49 6445 279971 0
Vorheriges Thema  Nächstes Thema 

The following explanation is exemplary and explains the ADDIN functionality and handling. All forms, screenshots and menus are relating to Outlook 2007.




Accept incoming call

Start of a telephone conversion with the offered call.

Show user interface of software telephone

The Ninja software telephone is brought to front.

Hide/Show Call Monitor

Toggles between hiding/showing the Call Monitor.




Usage of the Addin is identical with the use of the standard Ninja user interface. You can use the functionality as youre already used to witgh Ninja.

Display of contact information

Contact information is automatically filtered through the Outlook database and is being displayed for the active line and for all calls incoming or outbound. The telephone history further contains contact infos.


Please add the localization to your SIP account(s) by entering the country code for your country!

If your phone numbers in MS Outlook are formatted in the canonical format (for the U.S.: 001, for Scwitzerland: 0041), these numbers cannot be identified without previously executed localization.