Network settings

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Use STUN Server

STUN is a protocol that allows the discovery of ports that are suitable for communication through NATs (Network Address Translators, RFC3489) so that it’s possible to establish a voice connection.You don’t have to use a specific STUN server (e.g. the one of your provider). Any public STUN server will do. 


STUN Server Adresse
Enter any STUN Server address. It's not needed to use a "special" STUN server from SIP service. Entering any valid STUN server address is enough.


Use local SIP-Port (UDP Ports)

The phone determines all ports dynamically by default. By setting the checkbox to the checked state you are forcing the phone to use the port numbers defined by you. This feature is very useful when setting up a firewall so that Network Address translation is facilitated. 


SIP Port

Enter the whished SIP Port


Use local RTP Port (AUDIO und VIDEO) - (UDP Ports)

The phone determines all ports dynamically by default. By setting the checkbox to the checked state you are forcing the phone to use the port numbers defined by you. Setup of a firewall is easy because only two RTP ports (Audio and Video) and one SIP port needs to be reserved.


Audio Port (UDP)

Enter the whished UDP Port


Video Port (UDP)

Enter the whished UDP Port

Information zu Quality of Service
With Windows Vista OS and later, the phone supports Quality of Service. Quality of Service. Quality of Service is needed for prioritisation data packets. Each packet is signed with a value, so a switch or router forwards data packets depending on the attached information. Important: QoS must also suported by your hardware (router, switch).

Following QoS level are available:

BestEffort      | 0x00

Background      | 0x08 | Class1

ExcellentEffort | 0x28 | Class5

AudioVideo      | 0x28 | Class5

Voice           | 0x38 | Class7

Control         | 0x38 | Class7

The QoS level, eg 0x38, is appended to any data data packet. This data packet is used to determine with which priority a switch or router shall transport the data packet through the network.


Quality of Service (QoS) - SIP
Select the prioritisation level.


Quality of Service (QoS) - Audio
Select the prioritisation level.


Quality of Service (QoS) - Video
Select the prioritisation level.