Supported Devices
SNOM 3xx Series, 8xx Series, D7xx Series, D3xx Serie,
AAstra 57i
Die functionality depends on the hardware device of the manufacturer!
Switching between softwarephone and desktop phone mode
By default, the phone starts in the softphone mode. Click the button "HARD PHONE" to switch to the desktop phone mode (snom AASTRA). Click the button "SOFT PHONE" to get back into the the Softphone mode.
CTI Configuration (only available in special versions)
The CTI mode allows the control of the phone devices SNOM 300,320,360,370,820,870 and AASTRA 57i by using a graphical user interface. The functionality and the device status are highly device-dependent. The symbolism of the graphical user interface is based on the softphone mode to provide you with a familiar environment.
The CTI mode supports TAPI. So table devices can be connected to the TAPI TSP driver from any TAPI supporting CRM application (Address Managment, etc.). Details can be found at the chapter "TAPI".
snom firmware version
All snom desktop phones ex firmware version 7.3.10a are supported. If not set by default please activate the function "CSTA". Always the first SIP account of the hardware will be connected.
The feature is found in the snom Administration menu "SETUP"->"ADVANCED"-> tab "QoS/Security ". Activate the function "Allow CSTA control" in the TAB sheet "QoS/SECURITY".
Furthermore set "Basic" as authentication scheme for the snom HTTP Server.
AASTRA 57i firmware version
No special firmware is needed.
The CTI Interface supports only the describes features "TAPI (until phone version 9.9)" (see chapter TAPI).
Configuration "Device settings"
Enter the IP address of your desktop phone in the field "IP address". Possibly an authentication is required for the phone control. In that case please check "Authentication Required" and enter the device username and password into the fields "Username" and "password".
Configuration "Local settings"
Stand alone phones send data via http to the CTI interface in order to transmit control information. To enable the communication you need to configure an interface on the local machine based on the machines local IP address and port number. Maybe you have to allow the usage of this Port in your Firewall.
Usually the local IP address is already present in the box labeled 'Local IP' and you can keep the settings. If you are using a PC with more that one network card or if you are using multiple IP addresses you might need to select the appropriate IP address. Use the arrow to select form the list of available IP addresses.
The box labeled 'Local port' must be set to the local TCP port where the communication with the phone takes place. Please make sure to update your firewall settings in order to enable the communication.
Hit 'OK' to start testing the CTI interface with the current settings. On successfull call establishment you will see the phone number, version number and supported CTI mode of the device. The CTI mode can be 'Basic' or 'CSTA' (extended functional mode).