What means TAPI ?

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What means TAPI ?

The Telephony Application Programming Interface (TAPI) is a Microsoft Windows API, which provides computer telephony integration and enables PC's running Microsoft Windows to use telephone services. This Interface was developed by Microsoft and Intel. With Microsoft Windows 95, TAPI was integrated into the operating system. Applications like Callcenter Software, Softphones, Videoconferencing Systems or ISDN (well known in Europe) are using TAPI. The TAPI standard supports both connections from individual computers and LAN connections serving any number of computers.

How to install TAPI ?

The TSP driver (TSP = TAPI Service Provider) is co-installed on your system during the installation of the softclient. Subsequently can TAPI compliant software (e.g. Microsoft Outlook) configure and use the TSP driver as telephone line. The actual configuration process differs between manufacturers. Please refer to the manual of your software (e.g. a Customer Relationship Management software) for details about TAPI configuration.