Polymorphic "Peer to Peer" Encryption (PMC)

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Polymorphic "Peer-to-Peer" Encryption (PMC)

This enciphering method offers the following decisive advantages over SRTP/TLS:

Activation of "Peer-to-Peer" Encryption

Please select "Peer to Peer" as encryption method.

Then please select "Yes" at "Activate encryption".



Verschlüsselung aktiviert

Activate encryption and subsequently click at "OK" in order to let the telephone register again with the SIP (telephony) server.

Automatisch verschlüsseln

At the beginning of each and every call the telephone tries to establish encryption.


Advanced Encryption Standard (also known as Rijndael algorithm.



Polymorphic Elcryption Algorithm. This cipher features longer keys in contrast to AES and the actual cipher depends on the key.


Encryption Monitor


Encryption status information is displayed for each line in this monitor window.


Checksum (Short Authentication String):

Please read this checksum to your conversational partner and make sure that the values match on both sides. If these values are identical on both sides, the line is secure. If although the values differ, then a "Man-in-the Middle" attack has been mounted on your specific conversation! Please terminate the call and try to establish another call. Please repeat this check!