TAPI (until version 9.9

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Vorheriges Thema  Nächstes Thema 

TAPI TSP Description

Supported Systems

32 und 64 Bit

Provider name

GlobalIPTel TSP (32Bit) bzw. GlobalIPTel TSP (64Bit)

TSP Line (Device)

GlobalIPTel Multiline

TSP Adress

GlobalIPTel Multi Address

TAPI Version

TAPI 2.0

Calls that are routed through the softphone are signalled by our TSP (Telephony Service Provider) automatically to all other TAPI compliant applications (Outlook Plugin or other third party CRM software). Third party applications can use information that is offered by the phone to open contact windows or notice forms.

Example: Configuring TAPI in Outlook (Windows Dialer)

Select a contact. Click the right mouse button and select "Call". The "New Call" windows will be opened. Click at "Dialing Options..." and select "Global IP Tel Multiline" at "Connect using line".