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Description |
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Activate SSC Gateway Activates the SSC Gateway. Simple SIP Channel (SSC) opens a new and unique possibility to you to make VoIP calls from any network environment to your PBX at home, to your office or with an arbitrary SIP VoIP service like e.g. 1und1, sipgate or A1. You neither need a VPN System nor an administrator to make or receive calls from within blocked networks or VoIP blocking countries. A simple connection that allows you to browse web pages in the internet is sufficient to make and receive VoIP calls. The phone client detects automatically proxies and supports also automatic configuration scripts (*.PAC files).
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SSC Gateway (Host) adress
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SSC Port (TCP) Enter the TCP Port of the listening SSC Gateway. As default SSC offers POrt 443 and Port 80 or POrt 9999. Administrators can select any TCP Port so ask them if you are not sure which Ports are in use. |
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Use Proxy (HTTP) In some cases, the whole traffic (e.g. in companies) is transmitted through so-called http proxies. Ask your administrator which proxy adress and port you have to to set up if you want to have access for webpages in the internet. The phone client detects automatically proxies and supports also automatic configuration scripts (*.PAC files). Before you try to configure manually check if you have Internet access with your Internet Explorer. |
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Proxy address
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Proxy Port Port number of the HTTP proxy |