Dialing rules (Outside line)

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Outside line




Activate "Outside Line rule"
Activate / Deaktivate the "outside line" dialing rule.


Maximum length

Choose the maximum length of your internal telephone numbers. If the called number is longer than the value of the maximum length, the phone dials the "outside line" number automatically as a prefix.


Outside Line number
Enter the number which shall be dialed as a Prefix to get an "outside line".


Drop outside-line with incoming call
Drops the outside-line from the regular dialed phone number, e.g.: 0-069-123456789 will be changed to 069-123456789


Clip no Screening

The telephone number which is entered here will transmitted to the remote party instead of the original phone number (this must be supported by your service provider (SIP provider, transmission via 'p-preffered identity').


PickUp Prefix

Enable the PickUP Prefix for Call Pickups using a DTMF prefix. Normally the protocoll 'SIP REPLACES'  is used as the standard protocol via SIP, but some providers and telephone systems requiring DTMF specifications for initiating Call PickUps.


PickUp Präfix Formel

Enter the DTMF formula for initiating a call transfer (PickUp) here, e.g. **32 (see for details the description of your service providers). This prefix is pre-set automatically when you initiate a PickUP, so you no longer need to enter the often complicated PickUP formula manually.